That summer, I had the privilege of meeting members of the International Fellows while they were visiting Flathead Lake Lodge. The International Fellows is a program started in 1984 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Colin Powell, which educates Military Leaders from around the world in conjunction with the National Defense University.
While the Fellows were treated to the Lodge tradition of an outdoor “Steak Fry”, I was on hand at the Benghazi Monument site (placed nearby) to explain its history and answer any questions. It was a pleasure speaking with an MP Lieutenant Commander from Kosovo about the monument, and to share the story of that tragic event. During our conversation, he made a simple statement that hit home.
“You need to put something in writing up here about what happened that day, so everyone who sees the monument knows”. He was right. As time passes, those that visit the Monument may not recall the details, and our younger visitors may not know at all what took place on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya.
So our foundation decided to implement a second phase of the Benghazi Monument, which included a separate/adjacently placed Bronzed Plaque telling the events that unfolded on September 11, 2012. This helped to ensure that the story of bravery, acts of courage and ultimate sacrifice, is preserved for all to read and recall why ‘We Will Never Forget” Thank you for your support!
Bill Thomas – President, 9/11 Honor and Serve Foundation